In perhaps you are a designer bag fan, maybe you are a famous fashion designer, but may also be unable to distinguish all replica handbags. This also no wonder, brand-name bags so wonderful and changeable, let people see things in a blur. But after reading this article, you must have a very clear idea, the original packaging bag, so different, so the diversity of life! There are 28 kinds of designer bag a variety of materials, styles and features for your choice:
1 backpack. All products range: Student Backpack (bag), fashion bags, mountaineering bags (mountaineering backpack). However, prominent characteristic of backpack, and placed in the rear of the body.
2 evening bag bag. Evening news copy bag is characterized by little and dainty, delicate, with metal chain fines or handle delicate, round, on his shoulders, very comfortable. Hobo bag clip originated in the Hermes 1958 from horses feed bag, wallet.
Cosmetic bags, cosmetic bag 3. Characteristics of cosmetic bag itself is a "thick", "memory" is greater, but itself is very small, easy to carry.
4 mummy bag urine bag. Characteristics of mummy bag is a bag, there are a lot of layer, specifically put diapers, bottles, wet wipes, baby. Place, is dedicated to the mother and infant.
5 tramps Hobo bag. The definition of Hobo bag is relatively clear, generally speaking, forming a circle, straps and body designer export Hobo bag's shoulder is very comfortable. Hobo bag clip originated in the Hermes 1958 from horses feed bag, wallet.
The 6 single shoulder bag. Single shoulder false bag is refers to a single shoulder bag. Its main feature is a relatively long shoulder strap, strap length longer than the handbag (vanity), but less than the messenger bag, shoulder strap (bag) cross body bag (about the body bag), on the basis of the presence and lower dimension than the dimension of left and right. This is usually located in the left, top right, open Satchel Bag, in the open on both sides, rather than segmentation. As shown in fig..
7 Tote handbag. Handbag English, originally is a verb, meaning to take anything heavy hand. Later, handbag evolution as a noun, a handbag, generally refers to large volume, a lot of open packet method, handle relatively short and comparison of several well-known handbag.
8 messenger bag. Is usually translated as casual Shoulder Bag Messenger bag. The single shoulder bag with shoulder, it usually needs to cross body (bypass), back left shoulder bag, usually falls on the body right, and is usually on the right shoulder bag in the body, so the general strap time, and no other portable belt, is a single strap. As shown in fig..
9 clutch material hand bag. As the name suggests, this bag is no hands to fashion bag.
10 lateral Bag Satchel handbags, horizontal rectangular bag, soft materials.
However, packaging bag is ordinary brand or luxury bags at the first sight of you, can you identify the brand handbags. A lovely girl, a lovely young girl pattern of the package, the most suitable for young girls, the establishment of a little lady style. Street touch, major chapter personality, packaging bag girls are most concerned about, such as women see come over, bags, some plastic bags, let a person feel a lot of fun, some of the packaging bag, let a person feel mature and stable, the most expensive bags are not necessarily suited to their temperament, so choose your package quality is very important. Fake handbags Louis Weedon design fashion, ladies, coupled with the summer, clothing color match, also need more bright, if you carry this bag, really let you add a lot of. This bag is matched, you can choose a variety of replica handbags shoulder and back of the hand, this bag is very atmospheric, all features of the designer purse cheap set, Europe and the United States major suit platinum package, whether the stars or street beat Reds love, is a street rate packet types, wine red jute bag body, elegant retro style, distinctive style of small padlock, super fans. A good bag can elevate your status, temperament and other aspects. City life is fashion and taste, daily use items should have the quality, style of clothing accessories, now has become a symbol of luxury city identity, want to be a fashion voice, rather than a classical and extraordinary bag quality how line? Here to recommend 9 beautiful bag bag, let you enjoy the high-end fashion life.